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  One of my main services, I provide you with a review with which you can do whatever you desire. After receipt of payment, I release all claims regarding intellectual property, although I reserve the right to use my original material in a portfolio unless the matter is discussed exclusively. I can supply the raw content, or a formatted article depending on your requirements.

Design team feedback 

  This service distinguishes me from the competition. I can tell you what you need to do to sell your product. Whether UI, interface or support, I know what works, and what doesn't. Intended for smaller companies, this service not only boosts short term sales, but builds up a strong customer base; not something a large company might need, but I can help to uphold a reputation as well.  

This is my most in-depth style of reviewing a product, and it is primarily intended to be used as a product description on a vendor's website. You can expect to hear about all aspects of the piece of equipment, from user interface to the specifications. In addition, if requested, I can give a personal review on top of this.


Write Up
How it works

  Obviously, I will need to be sent a product to be able to review it. On arrival, I will usually spend a week getting to know the device, before starting the written piece. Then, to ensure the quality, I will spend a week on the actual content; in special cases, I can offer a swifter turn around for a small additional fee. Finally, depending on the terms, I will keep or return the product.

   When it comes to payment, I am extremely flexible; my main reason for this being the wide range of content I can produce. Therefore, payment will be discussed on a personal basis. If you have read the 'About Me' page, then you will know my reason for starting this enterprise. In regard to this, I offer the opportunity for you to give me the product in lieu of a final payment.

   To give you confidence in my work, I work on a payment-on-finishing method. This means that, on completing the content, I send you one third of the finished writing, at which point you pay the agreed amount. I then send you the finished publication on receipt of payment. This again is flexible, and if you require some other way to pay then I will endeavour to help you.


  While I state that I review products, that gives you no insight into just what it is that I do, and how I do it. On this page, you will find an in depth explanation of the services that I provide, and what you can expect from me. I understand that it can be difficult to evaluate a person's character and motivation from a website, so I welcome any enquiries, and appreciate any feedback you can supply. I would like to mention that the points listed below are guidelines, and I would be more than happy to work with you in an effort to understand your individual requirements. Think it through, if you need help to maintain a reputation, or build up an audience, then Perspective Reviews is right for you.

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